How To Earn Money From YouTube in Nepal ?

how to earn money online from youtube ?

YouTube As A Source of Income. How ?

The most used ways to earn money online are these social media platforms where one can post their videos,ideas,contents,skills and everything as a video format or article format can gain huge number of viewers and change their lifestyle. Many creators have successfully become the part of these platforms earning partners where the income is mostly generated from the ads and views running in the video created by the creators. You must encourage yourself to make videos and show your skills in these platforms once in your life. Start your journey with these platforms and earn money online.

How can I make money from these platforms ?

How to apply for Youtube Partner Program ?

In order to apply for youtube partner program, you need to address the minimum criteria of youtube program policies. First, you need to have atleast 1000 subscribers and must have atleast 4000 watch hours to apply for further process to earn online from Youtube. If you have completed these criteria successfully without any community violations, Youtube will review your channel and check whether you are eligible for Youtube Partner program or not. After being eligible on YPP you need to create an adsense account where you will see all the statistics related to your earnings and other various ads related works. After this, you are ready to earn money online.

YouTube has a new feature for shorts creators where it will provide certain amount of money for creators creating shorts videos. The creators must have atleast one short video and can be eligible for shorts fund from Youtube . You will be paid about $100 after fulfilling the shorts eligiblity criteria which is about 10Millions views altogether in shorts videos .

Can I Earn From YouTube Shorts Without 1000 Subscribers & 4000 Hours Watchtime ?

The Simple answer is YES. You will get paid without 1000 subscribers and 4000 watchhours. Just keep in mind that the shorts videos you upload dont have any third party logos in it like the logos of tiktok,instagram or anyother. If youtube reviews them ,then you may not be eligible for Youtube shorts fund at all. Earn Online and Keep visiting our website. ThankYou.

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